That's all there is to it. Great song. You never cease to amaze me.
That's all there is to it. Great song. You never cease to amaze me.
Thanks :D
A Demon Viking!
Man he would kick some ass in a flsh. Any way good song I personally think the guitars need to be bruoght out more. Ya know to make it more in your face.
Yeah, I know, next time, man, next time. ;)
Great riffs. Just classic Xeno.
Great Song
I must agree with Lamazar1. The intro is sounds like Metallica. Great transition from acoustic to metal. The song over all is just great. Make more songs like this one.
That did sound like the vocals for Kreator.
Awsome thrash song. Sounds like a Metallica intro then the rest sounds like Kreator or Slayer.
Thanks man, that's what I was going for too. Glad people are picking up those influences!
Cheers and beers!
Has a classic funk style feel to it.
Awsome song. This is definently going into my favorites
okay then...
Good song. It has great potensial, but I have to agree with CWN, the vocals are off more then I'm all right with. I absolutly think the guitars are kickin' some ass! Nice screechs and the over all song is good, the singings just off. that's the only thing I'd fix.
Like the way you sang this song (truly metal!) and the backround stuff kicked some ass.
i will tell elf that.. im sure he will come to your house and give u a back massage or sumthin lol. thx for the review bro.
Hello there.
Age 30, Male
The One In My Town
Joined on 6/1/08